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I have a keen thirst for knowledge which began before my medical career with my science degree and honours year in Neurophysiology.


More recently I have completed my PhD titled Myopia progression in children at Macquarie University.


I am extensively involved in ongoing myopia research both at Macquarie University and in supervision in various myopia projects with medical students at Macquarie University, optometry students at Canberra University and Ophthalmic registrar accredited by RANZCO.

I have recently become the Principal Investigator for a multinational amblyopia trial at Macquarie University Hospital.


Rose L.V.T. Schulz, A. Graham, S. Use baseline axial length measurements in myopic patients to predict the control of myopia with and without atropine 0.01%. PLoS One. 2021 Jul 15;16(7)

Whitman, Shaaban, MacKinnon, Chan, Strabismus Genetics Research Consortium, Mackey, Hunter, Engle. Genetic Associations in Esotropia: Genome-Wide Association Study and Copy Number Variation Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2018;59(10):4054-64.

Staffieri. S, Rose. L, Chang. A, De Roach. J, McLaren. T, Mackey. D, Hewitt. A, Lamey. T.  Clinical and molecular characterisation of females affected by X-linked retinoschisis. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology April 2015

Prokudin, I, Li. D, He. S, Guo. Y, Goodwin. L,Wilson. M, Rose. L, Tian. L,Chen. Y , Liang. J , Keating. B, Xu. X, Jamieson. R and Hakonarson. H. Value of whole exome sequencing for syndromic retinal dystrophy diagnosis in young patients. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2015 Mar;43(2):132-8

Pedemont K., Jolly, N and Rose L. A child with myasthenia gravis and defective accommodation: A case study. Aust Orthopt J. 2011; 43:4-8

Rose L.V.T, Rose NT, Elder JE, Thorburn DR, Boneh A. Ophthalmological manifestations in oxidative phosphorylation disorders of childhood. Pediatr. Neurol. 2008;38(6),395-397

Rose, L.V.T., Elder, J. Management of Congenital elevation deficiency due to congenital third nerve palsy and monocular elevation deficiency. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.  2007;35:840-846.

Rose, L.V.T., Zamir, E. Reversible anterior segment ischaemia after carotid endarterectomy. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2007:35:94-95.

Rose, L.V.T., Moshegov, C. Comparison of the Zeiss IOLMaster and A scan Ultrasound: biometry for intraocular lens calculation. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2003;31:121-124.

FitzGibbon, T., Tevah, L.V. and Sefton, A.J. Connections between the Reticular nucleus of the thalamus and Pulvinar-Lateralis Posterior Complex: a WGA-HRP study.  J. Comp. Neurology. 1995; 363:489-504.

FitzGibbon, T., Tevah, L.V. and Sefton, A.J. Photic responses of the lateral geniculate nucleus can be used as a stereotaxic guide for micropipette placement.  J. Neuroscience methods. 1995; 56:17-20.

Presentations at Scientific Meetings

Rose L.V.T. Schulz, A. Graham, S. Optic disc morphology in juvenile myopia. 52 nd RANZCO virtual 2021 (identified as an Australian Vision Research (ORIA) recommended abstract)

Rose L.V.T. Schulz, A. Graham, S. Low Dose Atropine in juvenile myopia: 2 year outcomes utilizing a baseline axial length growth rate for guided initiation of treatment. WSPOS 2020

Rose L.V.T. Schulz, A. Graham, S. Optic disc tilt in myopic children. RANZCO 51st Annual Scientific Congress. 2019

Rose L.V.T. Schulz, A. Graham, S. Low Dose Atropine Intervention in the Management of Juvenile Progressive Myopia. AAPOS 2019

Yearly presentations at Special Interest Paediatric Ophthalmology 2007-2019

Rose L.V.T Learning difficulties. RANZCO 40th Annual Scientific Congress. 2008

Rose L.V.T, Rose NT, Elder JE, Thorburn DR, Boneh A. Ophthalmological manifestations in oxidative phosphorylation disorders of childhood. RANZCO 39th Annual Scientific Congress. 2007

Rose, L.V.T., J. Elder. Management of Congenital elevation deficiency. RANZCO Squint Club Meeting, 2006

Rose, L.V.T., W. Marshman. The presentation of bilateral cataracts and Bilateral Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia. Alumni Melbourne. 2005

Rose, L.V.T. Difficult management case. RANZCO Glaucoma Club Meeting. 2004

Rose, L.V.T., Moshegov, C. Zeiss IOL Master or Ultrasound. A comparison of accuracy. XXIXth International Congress of Ophthalmology. 2002.

Rose, L.V.T., Giblin, M., Kevin, J., Ghabriel, R. A massive conjunctival cyst of the orbit. RACO 32nd Annual Scientific Congress. 2000.

Tevah, L.V., FitzGibbon, T and Sefton, A.J. What is the anatomical relationship between the thalamic reticular nucleus and the thalamus? Proc. Aust. Neuroscience Soc. 1993; 4:99.

Tevah, L.V., FitzGibbon, T., and Sefton, A.J. Photic responses of the LGN as a stereotaxic guide for micropipette placement. Proc. Aust. Neuroscience Soc. 1993; 4:126.

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